Year 6: WW2 Day

November 04, 2020

Year 6 kicked off this half term by immersing themselves in their new History topic of World War Two. All of the children looked brilliant dressed up as their chosen person from the war, we had: soldiers, pilots, code breakers, teachers and evacuees. The children had a fantastic morning learning about the outbreak of the war- all were thoroughly intrigued and asked a whole host of questions about why Hitler behaved the way he did. As part of the day, the children also had a chance to share their findings of their chosen person that they had researched as part of their homework, which are also now on display in the Year 6 corridor. To finish the day, the children were mesmerised by the film, 'Goodnight Mister Tom'. It was an excellent opportunity for all of our children to identify the different roles people played during the war and discuss how they may have felt. 

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