Year 2: East London Mosque Visit

May 17, 2024
To enhance our learning in RE about the Islam religion, the children in 2JD and 2ST visited East London Mosque in Whitechapel. Sadly, on the day 2SM were supposed to go, a train had broken down so they were unable to make their visit; however, they thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon playing on the trim trail. 

At the Mosque, the children respectfully took off their shoes and visited one of the huge prayer halls. They learnt about the Imam, the place and rules for prayer and admired the huge dome. The children  then visited the washroom where they learnt about being clean in order to pray. They were able to use the wudu to wash their hands using the individual sinks and taps.

Excitingly, we were treated to a look at two of the fourteen beehives outside of the Mosque. This is where they keep bees, making and selling honey to raise money for the upkeep of the vast buildings.

We are all now looking forward to our upcoming trip to St. Andrew's Church to compare the features of both religious buildings first hand. 

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