Year 1 English: Oh yes they have!

May 20, 2021

This half-term Year 1 have continued learning all about traditional tales and fairy tales (oh yes they have!) So far we have looked at the mischievous Goldilocks and the adventurous Billy Goats. The children have ordered the stories and written sorry letters from the trolls to the goats apologising for his rudeness. This week, we have been learning about the story of The Gingerbread Man. The children retold the traditional version before coming up with their own versions of the story. Some of their ideas include the runaway donut, the runaway pizza, the runaway burger, the runaway cheese, the runaway sausage and even the runaway Creme Egg! Their new lead characters have been chased by a vast range of animals from all over the world. We are very excited to read their finished stories later in the week!

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