Year 1 and Year 2: Scoot Fit Workshop

March 08, 2024
The weather threatened to spoil our day on Tuesday, but thankfully it stayed dry so that all children in Year 1 and 2 could enjoy a 40 minute fun-filled, exhilarating scooter workshop led by James the instructor from Scoot Fit.

Once the children had their helmets and knee-pads on, they were given the freedom to explore the playground using their three-wheeled or two-wheeled balance scooters. 
With music pumping, the fun began! Children were scooting together, individually and in groups to show off their balance and spatial awareness skills. They were even taught a new game called Scootball which was excellent fun and gave the scooting a purpose, as well as the opportunity to develop new skills such as steering, stopping and teamwork. 

A great time was had by all! 

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