Reading Assembly

October 07, 2019
Our first reading assembly of the year was full of excitement. To begin, we celebrated our 'extreme readers' who shared photos of themselves reading during the summer holidays. It was fantastic to see so many children making a good read part of their summer.

Next, we revealed treasure chests. These contain the recommended year group reading - as communicated on each year group's boarding passes - and will be placed in each classroom. Years 3 to 6 can take the books home to read.

Each year group has three authors on which to focus throughout the year. Read five books by one author? Receive a bronze certificate. Read another five? A silver certificate will wing its way to you. Finally, if you read five books by all three authors, you receive the coveted gold certificate. All you need to do is get these ticked off on your boarding pass and post it in the treasure chest in the foyer.

As the grand finale of our reading assembly, we introduced our new Reading Ambassadors. These children will be representing the school as reading helpers. They will share their passion and encourage others to share their passion for books. At Hacton, we love to read!

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