Outdoor Learning Week: Year 4

October 18, 2019
Throughout Outdoor Learning Week, Year 4 have taken part in exciting orienteering challenges. This developed children's map-reading and teamwork skills. The challenges also used knowledge and skills from across the curriculum, especially maths and geography.

Year 4 enjoyed searching the front and back school fields to collect their data to identify types of trees using a leaf key. They used their maths skills to present their information in two bar charts. They also used this data to compare the types of trees found in both school fields.

The sound of rain inspired the children during Outdoor Learning Week. They decided to use parts of the body to generate their own rainstorm sounds. The children watched a video of an orchestra and then, in groups, composed their own rainstorm symphonies.

One Year 4 pupil said, "I loved doing the jumping and actions because we were able to use our body effectively."

Another said, "I really liked this lesson because it was different being able to use our body for music rather than our voices or instruments."

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