Year 6 made the most of Outdoor Learning Week. They fully immersed themselves in a whole host of activities, developing skills that they don’t always get to put into practice. Come rain or shine, they were outside getting their hands dirty.
The majority of Year 6's time was spent creating a ‘Legacy Garden’. This was a challenging process, with a great deal of clearing, digging and planting to be done. Thankfully, some of Year 6's family members joined in with the outdoor fun!
Our nature-loving pupils spent an afternoon designing and building bird feeders out of lollipop sticks using a hot glue gun. To further develop their appreciation of the world around them, Year 6 spent time carrying out observational drawings of an autumnal scene. They also explored the school grounds, conducting a bug hunt to classify the insects in their local environment.
Outdoor Learning Week: Year 6
October 18, 2019
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