Nursery: Growing Sunflowers

July 05, 2021
Linked to our summer topic, Nursery children planted a variety of seeds, including tomatoes and beans. Using sunflowers as a maths learning opportunity,  children were sponsored by parents and carers to tend to their young seedlings at home. The closing date was 1st July when children were asked to measure their sunflowers and email in a photo. It was very close but the tallest sunflower measured a whopping 95cm! The winner was presented with a copy of the book 'A Tiny Seed' by Eric Carle. All children who took part also received a special certificate. 

We decided to award a consolation prize to a morning child whose sunflower did not grow at all - feeling that he might need guidance from the book!

A special thank you to our parents and carers who raised £90 which we will spend on some fun end of term activities! 

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