As part of our DT unit 'Vehicles' in Year 2, the children were tasked with designing and making their own shoe box vehicle. Luckily, we were supported by Ford, Dunton and their Primary Engineer project who assigned an engineer to come into school to support the process of building a vehicle so that it runs well, as well as having a clear design.
Before the half term holiday, the pupils worked in groups of two or three to design and build their vehicle. It had to include a safety feature for a toy, have a clear purpose and had to withhold rigorous testing on a ramp. Following this, each teacher had to select one group per class to take to Ford, Dunton for the annual celebration event.
Throughout the morning, the children were interviewed by vehicle engineers. They did extremely well and although they did not win any awards, they represented Hacton with pride and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
A big thank you especially to Peter Wilkins for being the Hacton engineer. We look forward to working with him again next year to find our engineers of the future!