Year 3: Book Cafe

November 19, 2021

With our new library now built and all classes being given £100 each to spend on books, Year 3 have spent some time this week choosing the books that they would like to be bought. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Year 3 classes were transformed into Book Cafes where children had time to browse through extracts of a large range of recently published fiction and non-fiction texts. They then all had to choose their five favourite books so that we could see which books were the most popular. 

We have some very discerning readers with the top picks including a graphic novel about Rosa Park’s life, some beautiful picture books, a very amusing tale about what happens when you have a time-travelling toilet as well as a book of wacky but weird facts about animals. 

We cannot wait to see our children enjoying the new library space and borrowing the books that they have so thoughtfully chosen.

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