Year 6: PSHE

December 17, 2020

This term, year 6 have been learning about the Very Important People (V.I.Ps) in their own lives including friends, family and trusted adults such as teachers and policemen/women.  Throughout this topic we have looked at issues such as peer pressure and how they can and should handle it, the qualities that makes a good friend and how we can show respect to the V.I.Ps in our own lives.  We discussed a range of ideas, from helping out at home, listening to adults and providing a pair of listening ears for a friend who needs a chat.  We also looked at the concept of secrets.  We talked about why it is sometimes important to keep secrets (surprise parties, birthday gifts etc.), but more importantly, when it is safe to keep them.  We also discussed who we can talk to if they are told a secret that makes them feel uncomfortable and why this is the right choice.

Our next topic is safety first where we will be looking at what we should do in an emergency, how to assess risks and how to stay safe online.

Here are some quotes from our children:

“Our V.I.Ps are people we can trust.”

“My friends and family are my V.I.Ps.”

“Trusted adults are people we can go to if we need help – family members, teachers and policemen.”

“Peer pressure is when someone tries to make you do the wrong thing.”

“Good secrets are normally things like surprises for other people.”

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