PHIC: 'The Origin of Fire' (Apache Folk Tale)

October 05, 2020

Having read the Apache Folk Tale ‘The Origin of Fire’ at the start of this term, Mrs Norford’s and Mrs Jackson’s PHIC class have been learning outdoors.  They have had fun searching the school grounds for the materials to make nature mobiles; made their own paint from berries, grass, leaves and mud to paint a picture relating to the tale; used their senses to design and create an assault course; created their own helicopter to fly; decorated their own tepees and made arrows.

Here are some quotes from the children about their learning:

‘It has been so much fun’ Year 4 pupil

‘It was exciting because we learnt a lot and have done lots of fun activities’ Year 6 pupil

‘I liked mashing the berries to make paint, they smelt nice’ Year 6 pupil

‘I liked painting the leaves to make my arrow and using lots of red glitter’ Year 6 pupil

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