Literacy week finished with a suitably happy ending on Friday. Pupils enjoyed a dressing up day, Key Stage 2 quiz and a whole school assembly. In the morning, house teams were quizzed on their literacy knowledge across a range of areas including author names, book covers and opening lines. It was a closely fought contest with teams neck and neck throughout, but who would win? The quiz was left on a cliffhanger and contestants had to wait until the afternoon to find out the result.
Staff and pupils clearly relished the opportunity to dress up as their favourite villains. The afternoon assembly was like a rogues gallery! Chief baddy was none other than Cruella de Vil (who looked suspiciously like Mrs Delmonte). Earlier in the day, Cruella had misplaced some of her 101 Dalmatians in classrooms across the school. Fortunately, she had a host of trainee henchmen to retrieve them, all eager to claim their reward. 12 lucky children won a cinema voucher each, but first they had to brave an audience with Cruella to accept their prize. Following this, the literacy quiz winners were announced. With a fantastic score of 62 points out of a possible 80, yellow team claimed victory from green team who finished a close second. All that remained was for the villainous teachers to strut their stuff on the catwalk and show off their flamboyant costumes to an appreciative audience.
Thank you to parents and pupils for some brilliant costumes and to Literacy Co-ordinator, Mr Pinkham, for organising a week of exciting activities enjoyed by pupils and staff across the school.
Literacy Week: The End
March 11, 2013
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