Hacton Nursery - Learning About Life Cycles

March 21, 2013
Nursery children have been learning about life cycles. Some hens eggs have been kept warm in an incubator for just over 3 weeks with children waiting patiently for them to hatch. On Tuesday, amidst great excitement, a small hole appeared in the shell of an egg. A crack appeared around the top until the first chick could push itself free, much to the delight of children and staff. This was shortly followed by the 2nd chick - named Harry by the children - and the final two chicks that appeared (with help) later that day. Mrs Lynch and Mrs Caston both had a sleepless night, hoping that the chicks would be ok. Thankfully, next morning four fluffy chicks were found running around and chirping away.

The children have had first hand experience of life cycles and are now learning how to care for the chicks, to treat them with respect and kindness. Since the chicks hatched the nursery seems to have been a very popular venue for adults and children in the school – it has never had so many visitors! Thank you so much to Poppy and Evie’s mum and dad for the eggs and all their help.

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