Last week, Year 3 got to watch and participate in a magic show to help complement their magical literacy work based on the text 'Leon and the Place Between'. The magician used magic to help to transport us to this 'Place Between' where all sorts of weird and wonderful things happen! With some help from our talented Year 3 magicians, we all got to witness a whole range of tricks including: piecing a broken handkerchief back together, teleporting objects around the hall, attaching metal rings together and even making a jug of milk disappear before it was released onto of one of our Year 3's heads!!
For the big finale, some of our Year 3 magicians had to guess which cups contained ducks and which contained eggs. Astonishingly, the children were so talented at spotting which cups contained the ducks, that it was the magician that ended up having the egg splattered over his head!
Would you like to visit this 'Place Between'?