Year 4 Music: 'Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy'

March 13, 2019
In their music lessons this term, our year 4 pupils have been learning the recorder. Children have developed their confidence in how to follow notation and play in time.

Firstly, the tuneful children learnt to hold their recorders properly and play the notes B, A, G and E. Each week, they practised short songs that introduced a new note until they could play a song that combined all four notes. Year 4 were proud to perform and record the culmination of their hard work: 'Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy'.


 "It has been brilliant to learn a new skill and lots of different notes on the recorder"

"I have learnt a lot during the last term in Music lessons and all of these things I would have never been able to do without these lessons!"

"I found the notes G and E a challenge... and especially E because you need to use five fingers and both hands and cover all holes to stop the air coming out and make a horrible sound!"

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