Reception: Pancake Day

March 11, 2019
Children in Reception discussed the meaning of Shrove Tuesday and why it is widely celebrated. To mark this significant day, each Reception class made pancakes throughout the week. Elephant class made pancakes on Tuesday, Lion class made pancakes on Wednesday and Giraffe class made pancakes on Thursday.

The children were very excited to head upstairs to the cookery room in small groups to make their own pancakes. Everyone had a go at mixing the ingredients and some children even managed to successfully flip a pancake or two, although some pancakes did end up on the floor - whoops!

The pancakes were carried carefully downstairs to Reception classrooms where the children discussed the difference between healthy and unhealthy toppings. They chose what to put on their pancakes and merrily wolfed them down. The children all agreed that food tastes so much better when you've made it yourself.

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