Year 3 Archaeology

January 14, 2015
Year 3 have started this term as they mean to go on by rolling up their sleeves to begin exploring their new History topic: The Stone Age. In order to appreciate how we find out about the past, the children got stuck into finding clues that would lead to a famous person or character.

Using small digging implements, sieves, magnifying glasses and brushes (as well as their hands) they dug carefully through the sand, removing any finds, dusting them down and putting them safely into labelled evidence bags. Fun was had piecing all the information together in order to try and work out who the artefacts belonged to.

Year 3 wrote up Dig Reports to describe what they had discovered and what the evidence revealed:

“We dug the sand with the spatula to find things and when we found them we put them into evidence bags. We found a string of pearls, two jewels, gold coins, a section of the Union Flag from 1952 and glasses. We talked about the items and we think the items come from the Queen of England.” (Oliver)

“In our box we found a bandage, a hospital band, a map of Florence, a stethoscope and a Bible. We think that the evidence shows that these things belonged to Florence Nightingale.” (Joseph)

“We found a crown, scroll, fur, rubies, emeralds and a section of Greensleeves music. The artefacts were delicate. We found they belonged to King Henry VIII.” (Lucy)

The excitement of uncovering clues about the past clearly fuelled Year 3's enthusiasm for History: what will they discover next?

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