Maths Challenge Winner

January 28, 2015
Congratulations to the winner of last week's Maths Challenge: 'The answer is 24 what is the question?'. As usual, we had some great responses. Well done to our Year 6 pupil who came up with a great solution using different operations that displayed her impressive command of decimal numbers: '12.75 + 27.75 - 16.50 = 24'.

"I normally do the challenge every week and I was pleased with my answer. I thought I might have a small chance of winning but I didn't think I actually would! I wasn't in assembly so my brother picked up my certificate and prize. At lunchtime, loads of people were congratulating me but I didn't know why - I was confused. After I'd had my lunch, my brother found me and told me the good news. I won a pack of Magic Stars that I ate the same day; I gave my friends one each so they didn't last long! Mum and Dad were proud of me - my dad likes maths so he was really happy that I like it too. The Maths Challenge is really fun!"

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