In the first Key Stage 2 Singing Assembly of this term, our pupils sang from the heart their version of the moving Beatles classic 'Let It Be'. We hope you enjoy listening to the beautiful sound of the children singing together.
Year 4 India DayYear 4 experienced the delights of India. They learnt some Bollywood dance moves, tried different Indian food, made samosas and took part in Indian arts and crafts. The children discussed and experienced life in Chembakolli t…Read More
Year 6 RE: Five PillarsIn Year 6, we have been looking at ‘What it means to be a Muslim’ in our RE work. After studying and discussing the Five Pillars of Islam, we thought about how these ‘Pillars’ were similar to other religions and our personal …Read More
Year 6 SATs InformationThank you to all parents who attended the SATs information meeting. The talk covered the upcoming Year 6 SATs and we gave details about the tests that children will be sitting. We also provided information about the Level 6 t…Read More
Challenge Week UpdateChallenge week is well underway and children are enjoying moving between classes and trying new things. We look forward to hearing about the highlights on Friday in assembly. Keep watching the blog for information about each …Read More
Key Stage 1 Maths Challenge WinnerCongratulations to the winner of our Key Stage 1 Maths Challenge. The challenge was to write the names of objects in life that are square. Well done to the
Year 2 pupil who was able to list an amazing 16 objects - well done!…Read More