At Hacton we are introducing a weekly celebration of our attendance. Each week, as part of our E for Effort Assembly, we will announce who the Awesome Attendance winners are. They will get to have our brand new Attendance cup for the week and get extra playtime in recognition of their regular attendance.
See below for this week's figures:
Class | Attendance |
Elephants | 95.14 |
Giraffes | 99.33 |
Lions | 98.00 |
1FB | 99.33 |
1RR | 100 |
1RB | 98.67 |
2MS | 100 |
2MP | 97.93 |
2MM | 100 |
3GB | 97.78 |
3AS | 100 |
3PP | 99.61 |
4CV | 100 |
4NZ | 97.69 |
4KH | 92.91 |
5AM | 99.23 |
5MN | 99.17 |
6CE | 94.44 |
6KB | 99.20 |
WOW! Look at how many classes had 100% again, which means that the whole class was in every day! Well Done :)