Another Outstanding School Year

July 20, 2018
It's been another fantastic school year at Hacton. There have been so many highlights: superb SATs results that were significantly above the national average in all areas; brilliant school trips; impressive fundraising for charity; spectacular school productions; and, most importantly, happy children who clearly love coming to school.

As the summer term came to a close, children and staff gathered in the hall for the final assembly of the year. Amongst laughter as we reminisced about life at Hacton there were tears of sadness and pride as our Year 6 leavers received certificates and awards in recognition of their achievements. We are so proud of the progress they have made both academically and socially and we feel confident that they are ready for the next exciting chapter of their school life. As well as saying goodbye to our Year 6 pupils, we also said a fond farewell to a few members of staff who are moving on to pastures new. We wish our Year 6 children every success as they venture on to secondary school and we look forward to welcoming back the rest of our pupils in September.

We hope you all enjoy a restful, fun-filled and sunny holiday.

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