Year 5 were invited to take part in an orienteering festival at Stubbers Adventure Centre. The excitement of a coach journey, a morning in the brisk spring air and mud was almost overwhelming, but the children managed to behave themselves beautifully and took part in the event with gusto. First came the briefing, followed by the warm up and then they were ready to go.
Armed with special orienteering electronic readers, the children had to find their way around a 1.3km course, with their team, as quickly as they could. Most returned with ruddy cheeks and with beaming grins; however, all of them returned considerably muddier than they set out!
At the end of the morning, the children were once again gathered together so that the podium finishing places could be announced. All was silent before the announcement was broadcast that out of 31 teams Hacton’s Compass Pointers claimed 3rd place whilst Hacton’s Ninja Navigators claimed the 2nd spot. Amazing!
Well done to all of our Year 5 pupils who not only displayed great orienteering skills, but who were also super representatives of our school.
Year 5: Orienteering Festival
March 22, 2018
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