Science Club: Creating Rainbows

February 24, 2017

In Science club this week we had the opportunity to create our very own rainbow in a tube. We achieved this by adding food colouring to 60ml of water (we needed to be really careful with the measurements). In total we had 3 cups of coloured water: 1 blue, 1 yellow and 1 red. We then added 3 teaspoons of sugar to the blue water, 2 teaspoons to the yellow water and finally 1 teaspoon to the red water. We mixed the solutions together and collected a test tube. Our final task was to gently add the solutions into the test tube one at a time.

Firstly, we used a syringe to fill the bottom of the test tube with the blue mixture, next we added the yellow and finally we carefully syringed the red on top. The solutions had different densities, so they were able to sit on top of each other and not mix together. 

See if you can make your own rainbow in a tube at home!

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