Junior Travel Ambassadors

March 06, 2015
After completing application forms and submitting persuasive personal statements about why they should be chosen, our new Junior Travel Ambassadors were picked by Elaine Keeler, Havering Road Safety Officer. Elaine was impressed: "It wasn't easy, there were some very good applications. I've picked the children who seemed most keen to improve safety in the environment".

There was great anticipation in assembly as we thanked our previous Junior Travel Ambassadors and announced the names of the Year 5 children who will be this year's JTAs. They were presented with an introduction pack containing lots of goodies including a shiny new badge, pencil case and an information booklet about their new role. Our new Ambassadors have the important job of promoting road safety, particularly around our school, and encouraging more active and sustainable travel. In the Summer term, they will be leading their first assembly for all pupils. Congratulations to our new Junior Travel Ambassadors.

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