A Visit from Colin the Chameleon

June 12, 2012
Children from Reception to Year 6 enjoyed a visit from Martin Rapley (a.k.a. The Bug Man) and his amazing reptiles today. Colin the Chameleon had pupils enthralled as he used his roving eyes to spy wriggling waxworms before darting out a sticky tongue to catch his unsuspecting prey. The green iguana made a surprisingly fast dash for freedom before being caught by Martin who explained an interesting fact about these reptiles: they have an extra 'eye' in the top of their heads that can detect shadows above them. Also making an appearance were some rat snakes and a royal python. After some initial nerves, children and staff were happy to hold the beautifully patterned chameleon and hang snakes around their necks. This was a educational experience clearly enjoyed by pupils of all ages.

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