On Wednesday 27th June Year 1 and 2 took part in sports day. We had 8 events. First we had to jump hurdles without dropping the ball, we had to dribble the ball around the cones. Next we had to collect cups and saucers on a tray and put them back again and then we had a relay race. Then we all stopped for a drink because we were hot and sweaty!
We had to run through hoops and try to get a bean bag in the last hoop. Next we played the over-under game which took a very long time and we couldn't finish because Mr Emes blew the whistle. We all really enjoyed collecting the bean bags in a shopping basket. The best race of all was the one where the teachers splatted you in the face with a wet sponge; we all got very wet. We had a great time, it was lots of fun and Yellow Team won.
By Natasha and Frankie (Year 1)
Infant Sports Day by Year 1
June 28, 2012
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