It's an exciting time for ICT at Hacton. In addition to existing computing facilities, our school now has two class sets of iPads and 15 iPods. We've been trialling our first trolley of iPads and already pupils are showing us how this technology can help them quickly achieve their learning objectives. While netbooks have served us well, their capabilities are dwarfed by our new investment. Too often a lesson can revolve around the technology but with 'instant on' and straightforward, powerful apps iPads make it incredibly easy for pupils to produce stunning work in double-quick time.

It's been wonderful to witness classes where every pupil has an iPad on their desk and how, with the briefest introduction, they are up and running towards their learning goal: in Geography lessons to research coastal erosion, in Design and Technology to research product packaging, in History to video reenactments of Victorian magic tricks, in ICT to create movie trailers, presentations, virtual collages and more. iPads have been used to quickly produce video evidence of pupils Modern Languages abilities. Enthusiastic Staff have also been taking iPads home to catch up with the skill level of pupils, many of whom have access to iPods or iPads at home. All this in the first few weeks!

iPads have already demonstrated their worth in traditional lessons. The compact tablet sits comfortably next to a workbook on a desk, letting pupils quickly research topics and write up their findings in the usual way. The fear that new technology is at the expense of traditional skills is, so far, unfounded in our classrooms. Could the more seamless use of devices actually allow more time to develop creative skills and handwriting? Only time will tell, but if the first few weeks are anything to go by iPads are proving to be a very worthwhile investment for teaching and learning at our school.