Sports Day 2023

July 11, 2023

With smiles on their faces, our EYFS pupils were the first to start our Sports Day line up! To the encouraging cheers of the audience, our pupils participated in each of the activities with excitement and determination. It was a close call but the overall winner for our EYFS was Goodwood with 88 points. 

Next, it was the turn of our KS1 athletes. The children took part in six different events including football dribbling, bean bag throwing and our personal favourite, the water race! There could only be one winner and this year, the winning house for KS1 was Ascot with 106 points. 

Finally, it was the turn of our KS2 children. Despite the rain, our keen athletes were bouncing with excitement! The children took part in twelve different events that tested their skills of throwing, jumping, running and ball control. Fantastic teamwork was demonstrated by all but there could only be one winner and this year, the winning house for KS2 was Kempton with 336 points! 

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