Year 2: Space Dome

February 24, 2023
To begin Year 2's Literacy topic on Space, the children were transported into the darkness within the Space Dome. As soon as they saw the black inflatable dome, the children were filled with excitement! Once they had crawled through the tunnel, they witnessed the planets, Earth, Sun and moon as they look from space.
They were told stories of how Orion came to be in the night sky and how to spot him along with his dog Sirius. The children were also given the opportunity to look for patterns within the stars and to listen to the story of Hercules. 

Once Year 2 returned to class, they designed their own planet and were then able to see it in 3D using the app Quiver, which was mesmorising. The children will now embark on using the texts 'Man on the Moon' and 'Look up' as a stimulus for some excellent writing.

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