Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

December 19, 2014
After two weeks of incredible Christmas productions, the Autumn term has come to an end. Over 900 parents, friends and relatives enjoyed impressive singing, dancing, acting and signing from Early Years, Years 1/2, Years 3/4 and Years 5/6. Generous family members dropped coins in buckets when they left performances and raised £930 for the three charities chosen by our School Council: Great Ormond Street Hospital, Save the Children and the RSPCA. A huge well done to all the children who filled us with Christmas spirit; we are very proud.

Without a doubt 2014 has been another very successful year for our school. Primary Key Stage 2 results were recently published by the Department for Education and pupil progress was exceptional, placing us comfortably in the top 5% of schools in the country and in the top 5 schools in Havering. This would be considered outstanding by Ofsted. We have also just been informed by the DfE that we were in the top 300 schools in the country for progress made by Pupil Premium / vulnerable pupils and this has been recognised with a special £1000 award from the DfE. Achievements like this could not happen without the continued dedication and support from our staff and parents. Thank you.

Throughout the year, our pupils have enjoyed a wide range of engaging and enriching educational experiences. We now look forward to all that 2015 has to offer: it promises to be another fantastic year for Hacton Primary School.

May we take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We look forward to seeing you back at school on Tuesday 6th January.

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