Key Stage 2 Pupils Visit the Royal Opera House

November 20, 2014
Recently, a group of Key Stage 2 pupils visited the Royal Opera House to experience a magical performance by The Royal Ballet. They wanted to share their report of a wonderful day out:

On Friday 14th November some of us (from KS2) were lucky enough to receive invites to go to the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden, London. Travelling on the Underground and by foot, we arrived in plenty of time and ate our packed lunches in the beautiful foyer of the theatre. With the show starting at 1pm, we excitedly walked down a golden pathway (that led to the theatre itself) and were filled with glee as we sat in our seats in the front row of the balcony. 

The theatre was amazing! The ceiling highly decorated, the seats a soft red velvet. Under the stage itself was the orchestra with 50 plus musicians. As the show began the audience either erupted with applause of stared in amazement. 

We watched three very different performances. Most of us enjoyed the second performance best which was called 'The Age of Anxiety' and was about friendship. 

"It was one of the best trips I have eve been on, a once in a lifetime opportunity." (Francesca) 
"It was amazing." (Annerose) 
"It was one of the most phenomenal experience I think I'll ever have!" (Tristan) 
"It was the most exciting ballet I have ever seen." (Ruby)

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