Money Awareness Week

November 18, 2014
Money Awareness Week saw pupils of all ages involved in learning about money and developing their awareness of how it is earned and spent. From Early Years - who held a cake sale to learn how to count out coins - to Year 6 - who held a 'bring and buy' sale to raise money for charity -, engaging activities helped our pupils understand the role money plays in everyday life. Competitions added to the excitement of the week: who would make the most creative maths hat? who would make the  most colourful money box? who would make the most inventive money themed board game?

Raising money for charity is close to our hearts at Hacton. A giant 'HS' was made by children who bought in 10 pence pieces. Also, Years 1-6 held their very own 'bring and buy' sales.

Friday afternoon saw a special celebration assembly of the children’s work. Year 1 focused on why we need money and how we get it. Year 2 looked at the differences between needs and wants. Year 3 covered different sources of income, the concept of affording something and saving. Year 4 looked at bank accounts, what they’re for and how we use them. Year 5 thought about debt and credit and the links with responsible and irresponsible debt. Year 6 focused on salaries in depth and how to budget for real life bills. The week ended in high spirits as competition results were announced. Money boxes were presented to all 20 competition winners.

What a successful week! Our pupils clearly enjoyed all the money themed activities. We hope the lessons they have learnt will help them appreciate the value of money in everyday life and achieve economic well-being. To top it all, we raised over £500 for Diabetes UK - the charity chosen by our School Council. The success of this week would not have been possible without the continued support from parents and carers. Thank you.

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