In January 2010 we experimented with using Facebook to communicate information about school opening during snowy weather. The response was overwhelmingly positive and it was clear that, like the rest of the World, most of our parents were on Facebook. Since then, we have developed our Blog to help raise awareness of events and to celebrate the achievements of our pupils. We have a goal in mind when we communicate with you using Facebook and our Blog: If parents are better informed they attend more workshops and events, if we share some of the inspiring work that goes on in the school it can strengthen the sense of community and engagement.
We were pleased to see that we now have 500 Likes on Facebook. For a school with just over 400 pupils we think that's quite impressive! We know that our blog is not only read by staff, parents and pupils but also grandparents, other family members and friends. We are always striving to improve the way we communicate so please continue to Like, Comment and Share the stories we put on the Hacton Blog.
Thank you for supporting our school.
March 13, 2012
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