UHIC and the LSO

January 27, 2012
Ten hearing-impaired children have once again had the opportunity to work with two players from the London Symphony Orchestra. This is the fourth year that Paul, the trombone player has visited our school and he has been joined this year by Heather who plays viola.

The project has been really exciting - composing and performing the sound track to a short Estonian film called The Carrot. This wonderful short film tells the story of a hungry rabbit who wants to steal the carrot nose of a magic snowman. There are lots of chases and magical transformations which make the silent film enthralling. However when music is added the film is even better.

So with Paul on trombone, Heather on viola and Hacton children on percussion we have completed 4 minutes of audio for the film. The final three minutes will be composed when Mrs McDonach's Year 4 class join the UHIC children to complete the sound track. It has been a really exciting project and we can’t wait to get the final DVD which will be prepared by the LSO technicians. Look out for the world premiere at Hacton School sometime in the future!

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