Year 2: Music

April 26, 2022

Using their skill of knowledge retention, Year 2 recalled their knowledge on composition (when an original piece of vocal or instrumental music is written) to create a vocal composition. 

First, we sang 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' together. The teachers then sang it again but with entirely different lyrics showing the children how you can take the same tune but compose new lyrics about something totally different. The children were then set the task of creating new lyrics about their most recent Science topic...Plants! 
Year 2 did a fabulous job - well done! If you would like to have a go at doing this at home about a different topic that interests you, please write it down and remember to share it with your teacher! 


Blossom, blossom on the trees,
It can make some people sneeze! 
In the spring the blossom blooms,
And floats gently through the breeze,
Blossom, blossom on the trees,
It can make some people sneeze! 

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