Children's author Grant Koper visited our school to read his new book to Reception and Year 1 classes. 'The Day Granny's Knickers Blew Away' is the first story in a series of five about Granny Moon's adventures. It was a huge hit with the children who were fully engaged, listening and laughing throughout.
Once Grant had finished telling the story, he opened the floor to questions and the children came up with some amazing ones, such as "Does your book have a blurb?", "What other jobs do you have?", "What is your next book about?" and "Do you use felt tips to write your stories?".
When question time was over, some of the children had the opportunity to meet Grant and receive their very own signed copy of the book. After listening to the amazing author, the children were motivated and excited to write their own stories.
Thank you Grant for such an entertaining and inspiring visit.
Reception and Year 1: Author Visit from Grant Koper
May 01, 2019
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