Welcome Back

September 05, 2017
As children arrived ready for the start of the new school year, they were as excited as our staff by all the projects which have been completed inside our new school building over the summer holidays: multiplication tables have been attached to each of our staircases to support all pupils in their mental recall of these key mathematical facts along with shiny new photographs to brighten up our corridors.

With impressive new pencil cases, smart uniforms and eager smiles our children began the school year full of energy and enthusiasm. After a hopefully enjoyable and restful summer, both staff and pupils are now looking forward to the jam-packed calendar of events that we have planned for the autumn term. As the learning journey for 2017-2018 commences, children will this week be issued with their essential travel documentation: passports and boarding cards. Our year group passports outline the expectations for the year ahead and the boarding cards list experiences and suggested texts along with authors which children can enjoy throughout the year.

We would like to warmly welcome our new members of staff. These include Miss Blunt (Year 1), Mrs Wray (Year 2), Miss Bull (Year 3) all of whom report that they had a fantastic first day at Hacton.

We hope you have an easy time settling back into the school routine and enjoy the start of another fun-filled school year.

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