Year 5: Ancient Greek Day

May 09, 2017
Fifty-two enthusiastic young Ancient Grecians came to school dressed in wonderful outfits (thank you parents!), ready to learn more about their country, history and culture. During a packed day they learnt about the importance of Theatre to the Ancient Greeks and their use of masks to show character and emotion to the audience.

Selecting the emotion that they wanted to depict, the children made their own Greek theatre masks. They then visited a Spartan armoury where they readied themselves for battle by designing and making their own impressive shields. The Olympics was the next port of call where the children learnt about the history of the Olympic games before they created unique Olympic medals ready for the 2017 Hacton Games. A taste of life as a slave came next as they prepared and cooked up a delicious feast of flatbread, hummus, salad and honey cakes in the Greek kitchens.

Devouring their feast eagerly after a busy day of learning, the children then enjoyed some recreation: singing the Greek Alphabet and listening to a Greek myth. They rounded off the day with a quiz that highlighted just how much they had learnt about the Ancient Greeks.

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