Google bring Expeditions to Hacton

November 18, 2016
Children in KS2 at Hacton were extremely lucky to have a visit from Google Expeditions. To support their Humanities learning, our pupils experienced amazing virtual reality tours of different environments: deserts and battlefields, under the sea and outer space.

Google Expeditions has been running for over a year and combines three things: software built with teachers for teachers, immersive content that is built around the curriculum and availability on a range of devices that are available to any school. Miss Vlasic and Mrs Mason organised for a representative from Google to visit and they brought with them around 60 smartphones and Google Cardboard VR goggles.

Through placing the Google Cardboard device over their eyes, pupils embarked on a 360° virtual panorama constructed from 3D images — annotated with details and points of interest. Our outstanding teachers led the expedition, controlled by a tablet supplied by Google. By immersing our pupils completely with the chosen environments, it enabled them to become immersed in their learning in new and exciting ways.

With the connected devices, the children engaged in the experience as a whole class and they were given opportunities to ask questions and discover answers in the virtual world. They listen to information from their teachers and talked to peers about what they were experiencing.

Thank you Google for providing a wonderfully engaging learning opportunity for our pupils. 

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