An Outstanding Year

July 22, 2016
What an exciting school year we have had! In December, our school was the first in Havering to be graded ‘outstanding’ in all areas under a much more rigorous Ofsted framework. Our pupils have really risen to the challenges of the new national curriculum, with so many making accelerated progress in the last 12 months. At both KS1 and KS2 they have achieved results well above the national average. We know that Hacton has had a truly brilliant year because we have seen our beautifully behaved, happy pupils demonstrating their love of learning. They are a credit to their parents and our school.

As children and staff gathered in the hall for the final assembly of the year, there were mixed emotions. Amongst laughter as our pupils reminisced about life at Hacton, there were tears of sadness and pride as our Year 6 leavers received certificates and awards in recognition of their achievements. They have made fantastic progress both academically and socially and we feel confident that they are ready for the next exciting chapter of their school life.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank parents and carers for their ongoing support. We hope that the sun continues to shine throughout the holidays and that pupils, parents and staff enjoy a safe and relaxing summer. Whilst we wish our Year 6 children every success as they venture on to secondary school, we look forward to welcoming back our pupils in September. Enjoy the holiday everyone!

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