A Visit from Grendel

February 04, 2015
Recently, Key Stage 1 were very lucky to have a visit from Grendel the four week old Bengal eagle-owl. This tied in perfectly with Year 1 science work focussing on animals and animal footprints. Grendel is actually a pet that belongs to some of our Year 1 pupils. We found out more about Grendel from their dad:

"We did a lot of research and got expert advice before deciding whether an owl would be suitable as a family pet (our friend has a barn owl). Bengal eagle-owls are known to have a good temperament and are easier to keep than some owls. We won't know whether Grendel is a boy or girl until he/she is older. Grendel can't go outside because its feathers are still growing - it can't fly yet. The owl stays in the living room during the day and the attic at night. When Grendel is older and the weather is a little warmer it will move into an aviary that I'm building. At the moment, Grendel likes to play with cuddly toys!"

Grendel was from a captive breeding program in Oxford and has become very relaxed around people. The owl took the visit to Key Stage 1 in its stride. The children adored their new fluffy feathered friend and its visit prompted some great questions from our inquisitive pupils. Thank you for visiting us Grendel: we hope you had a hoot!

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