Hacton Hockey Team

February 05, 2013
Last week, Hacton's school hockey team played in a 6 match tournament at Coopers' Company and Coborn secondary school in Upminster.

Evie (Year 6) reports:

We won the first friendly against Newtons Primary 4-0 thanks to an incredible hat-trick from our star shooter Lucy. Despite some fantastic defending by Evie and Amy and impressive teamwork in our defending semi-circle, our first competition match against Newtons did not have the score that we'd hoped for: we lost 3-2. Our spirits were lifted by a 1-0 win in the next match thanks to Harry's goal and Sonny's fearless tackling of the opposition. Our third competition match against St. Peter's Primary ended in a 1-1 draw with Jacob Lovell proving to be a outstanding midfielder with very strong and accurate passes. While we were waiting for our final game, we played a friendly against St. Peters and won 2-0. Our team worked incredibly well together and we played like pros. Even though we played an outstanding final game, we were not lucky against Upminster Junior School who just sneaked in a winning goal in the last minute of the match. Unfortunately, we didn't score enough points to compete in the finals but we really enjoyed the tournament and played brilliantly (even if we do say so ourselves!).

Thank you very much Mr Emes for organising the hockey club and taking us to the games.

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