2HM Literacy: Writing letters home

May 19, 2019
Literacy Week 2019 focussed on The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe and the adventures of the Pevensie children. After making evacuee tags, packing suitcases with clothes and favourite teddies, 2HM waved goodbye to their parents and boarded a steam train to take them from the dangers of war-torn London to the safety of the countryside.

The children reflected on their journey, described their new lodgings and family and thought about how they felt about all that had happened to them. Also, they wrote some wonderful letters home to their loved ones, letting them know that they had arrived safely. They were able to empathise with the Pevensie children, really thinking about how it must have felt to be an evacuee, and they also understood how different their life in the country would be to their life in London. Great work 2HM.


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