Reception Visit Southend

June 23, 2015
The windy day did not dampen Reception children's spirits as they went on their school trip to Southend. With buckets and spades packed, they jumped on the coach for their journey to the seaside. This was a first time experience for some and a fantastic way to begin their topic on the Seaside and Holidays.

Lion class hunted for shells, built super sandcastles, dug deep holes and wrote their names with pebbles. Zebra class went on the train to the end of the pier where they saw fishermen catching their dinner. The children then ate their lunch in the shelter before walking the mile and half back to shore. Both classes (and some of the adults) then enjoyed a delicious ice cream. Lion class went on the pier for a brisk walk and looked out to sea, experiencing the thrill of the sea beneath their feet. Zebras used nets to fish for seaweed, shells and stones. All of the children had a great day and we would like to thank all of the adults involved in making Reception's first trip to the beach a huge success.


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