Year 5 Literacy: Persuasive Letter Writing

November 21, 2018
Mr Emes presented Year 5 with a challenge designed to help them develop their powers of persuasion: they had to convince him that break times and lunchtimes should not be shortened.

Incensed by Mr Emes' proposal to reduce playtime to just 5 minutes, Year 5 wrote persuasive letters of complaint expressing their disapproval. Having had the opportunity to share their thoughts verbally in a debate hosted by Mr Emes, our determined headteacher remained convinced his plan should be implemented. Consequently, the children planned formal letters expressing their point of view. These letters, which contained powerful language choices and persuasive phrasing, were set out using formal letter writing techniques. As a result of having read through the children's well-presented, beautifully written and composed ideas, Mr Emes finally agreed that it was in the children's best interests that playtime should maintain its 15 minute duration. Normal Year 5 Letters of Complaint Phew!!

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