Year 3 Maths: Capacity

May 14, 2015
In their Maths lessons, Year 3 have been learning about capacity. Amy has written a report:

"In maths we learnt about capacity. We made our own measuring jugs using a bottle and some stickers to mark the different 100ml volumes. We had to find out if our bottle held more, less or exactly 1000ml or 1 litre. I enjoyed pouring the water from one jug to another. I know that 1 litre is equal to 1000ml. We also learnt some decimal measurements too like ¼ of a litre is equal to 0.25l, ½ of a litre is equal to 0.5l and ¾ of a litre is equal to 0.75l. Finally we had to compare and estimate the capacity of different vessels. We only got one correct!"

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