Debating with Year 3

March 27, 2015
Year 3 learnt more about the conditions for Victorian children like Oliver Twist. Our pupils focussed on understanding the dangers for children at work in Victorian times. Children had to climb under heavy and dangerous machinery, they could get lung problems and other diseases as a result of their work. Some jobs involved working until their hands were bloody.

In the afternoon Year 3 held a debate with one side arguing against such terrible conditions for children at work and others arguing for children working under these conditions.

Harry, who became known as Joseph Knight, was arguing that factory owners would not like the new laws and it would cause too much trouble so children should continue working under such conditions.

Ayla took on the role of Newton Lophim who believed that all children should be given a chance to better their situation in life and consequently should not be forced to work under such dangerous conditions.

Emily played Edward Dettle in the debate arguing that someone needs to stick up for children as they are too young to stick up for themselves.

Freya and Joe both debated that poor children do not need to be educated as their proper place is at work.

The debate became rather lively at times with all children extremely passionate when discussing their reasoning. Reflecting on their debate, it was clear that Year 3 found the experience thought-provoking and enjoyable.

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